Internal Regulations

Updated on 28/04/2024

The virtual airline Air Europe VA is run by a volunteer team. Its members are passionate about flight simulation and aviation in general. Being an airline pilot in our company means practicing a fabulous profession in a friendly and professional atmosphere. You will have access to a modern and diverse fleet.

Air Europe VA pilots conduct their flights in compliance with aviation safety regulations. If you have the passion and motivation for this job and wish to join us, submit your application! Your application is subject to the acceptance and adherence to all the terms of these regulations.

1- Registration
Registration is done exclusively via the online form: It must include real first and last names and a valid IVAO or VATSIM® identifier. Registration with a pseudonym or an invalid IVAO or VATSIM identifier will be immediately rejected.

2- Regulations Specific to the IVAO or VATSIM Network
Since our activity is linked to the IVAO or VATSIM networks, company members must unreservedly accept their regulations.

3- Conditions for Using phpVMS®
The company uses the PIREP submission system called phpVMS (Virtual Airline Financials Systems); company members commit to using this software.

4- Compliance with French Law
Members must comply with French legislation. The following are prohibited (non-exhaustive list) and may be subject to legal penalties:

  • Violation of privacy, defamation, and insults to others;
  • Discrimination, hatred, especially racial, and the glorification of any crimes, including murder, rape, war crimes, and crimes against humanity;
  • Discussions related to copying commercial software for purposes other than private copying under the conditions provided by intellectual property law.

5- Company Internal Regulations
Air Europe VA, hereafter referred to as the company, is a community platform for virtual pilots. It is made available to its members free of charge and without any obligation other than compliance with these regulations. The company reserves the right to modify, interrupt, or terminate the service at any time. The company shall not be held liable for this.

The company reserves the right to modify these regulations. Pilots will be notified by a message on the forum and by email. Failure to respond within 10 days constitutes acceptance of the amended regulations.

Recruitment Conditions

Applicants must be at least 16 years old and possess:

  • A valid and active IVAO or VATSIM identifier,
  • A valid email address.

After your account is validated by an administrator, you must complete a flight within one month on the IVAO or VATSIM network and submit your phpVMS PIREP.

This flight will allow us to assess your aptitude as a pilot. There are three possible outcomes:

  • The pilot is directly incorporated,
  • The pilot is coached for one month to reach the required level,
  • The pilot is rejected after the evaluation or trial period.

Pilots must present themselves on our Discord channel within 7 days.

Activity Maintenance

During the first fifteen days following their integration, the new pilot must complete at least one flight in the company's colors. Failure to do so will result in automatic removal. It is mandatory to maintain an active IVAO or VATSIM status. Each pilot must complete a minimum of 2 flight hours per month.

All flights performed for the company must be reported via a flight report (PIREP). Flights are regularly monitored by our FSO (Flight Safety Officer). You must report any issues encountered during your flight (significant delay, diversion, mechanical problem requiring repair, etc.).

The pilot must adopt a professional attitude and conduct:

  • Present a positive image of the company at all times;
  • Follow all ATC instructions;
  • Use standard aviation phraseology;
  • Show respect towards other network users.

The pilot must report any absence longer than 3 months. During this period, the pilot retains their [OACIXX] callsign and seniority within the company. At the end of the leave, the pilot must submit a PIREP to reactivate their account. The company reserves the right to delete inactive accounts at its discretion.

Cessation of Activity

The pilot may resign at any time by simply emailing one of the company's administrators. The pilot loses their callsign and seniority. The company reserves the right to reassign the vacated callsign.

The staff reserves the right, in accordance with these regulations, to suspend or close a pilot's account without notice. Removal is final for the following reasons:

  • False information provided during registration,
  • Exclusion for serious violations of IVAO or VATSIM rules,
  • Posting illegal content,
  • Offensive remarks on the forum and/or Discord channel,
  • Sharing accounts and passwords,
  • Cheating,
  • Attempted hacking,
  • Repeated breaches of the regulations.

6- Discord® Channel Regulations
The Discord server is a place of friendliness and courtesy.

Messages posted express the ideas of their respective authors and not those of the moderators and staff. Therefore, the latter cannot be held responsible. The staff has the sole discretion to moderate, without notice or justification, obscene, abusive, xenophobic, discriminatory, vulgar, defamatory, or disrespectful messages. Failure to comply with these rules may result in sanctions, including the pilot's removal.

7- Rights
In accordance with Articles 38 and 40 of Law 2004-801 of August 6, 2004, you have the right to access, rectify, and delete data concerning you. This right can be exercised by sending an email to the company president.

The information collected is never disclosed to third parties, except those authorized by law, including judicial authorities. The data belongs to four categories:

  • Public, via the website (first name, truncated last name, rank, awards, flight data),
  • Reserved for active members (full last name, forum, Discord),
  • Visible only to staff (email address),
  • Visible to site administrators (connection IP address).